Get an instant marketing staff without adding staff
Gayle is adaptable as needed to a variety of purposes including advertising, marketing, editorial, light technical, executive communications, presentations, etc.; good interpersonal skills adapt to individuals as well as groups; she brings talent, energy and enthusiasm to every project.
Right now, are you and your staff struggling to cover your Marketing and Communication needs DIY and on the fly, with less than satisfactory results? Have you tried, with limited success, to cobble together resources from vendors, freelancers, interns, friends, family, wherever, to get what you need?
Let’s talk. I can help you bring your business to the next level with the know-how that will enable you to sell more, develop your brand and find your “sweet spot” in a competitive marketplace.
This is better than just hiring freelancers or contract workers. It’s like having your own high-level marketing professional on staff, who shares the same level of commitment, energy and passion you have for your business. Oh, and one who can single-handedly write copy, design for print or digital, build and manage websites, develop brands and uncover great strategic opportunities.
One partner, one contact, no staff and multiple resources. Doesn’t that sound better for your business?