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Global issues with local relevance: in a business environment marked by change and uncertainty, this advert created for an Australian audience finds a compelling sales message growing right in their own backyard. So, naturally, it connects. Creative Concept 70% 70%...
Share and Hoard

Share and Hoard

The best source for great new hires in high-demand fields are referrals from your own employees. Here, a cheeky approach for a UK audience. Sense of humor (or humour in this crowd) makes the message memorable. Not to mention the always-effective self-enrichment...
Advance Advantage

Advance Advantage

Stop playing the Same Game. To differentiate this business when customers commonly commoditize the product, we developed this ingenious strategy that brand the company’s total process. Proprietary and singularly unique, AdvanceAdvantage branding strategies...
Risk or Opportunity

Risk or Opportunity

What’s a foolish risk for one business may be a courageous leap of faith for another. It’s a critical point since what we’re selling in this intriguing advert is our client’s ability to understand and plan according to their customers’...